ALERT: Contact lens orders may take 8-12 days to deliver. Some lenses may take longer due to a national shortage.

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Returning User

Note: Your Vision Essentials login may be different from other Kaiser Permanente logins.

Please be aware that optical benefits cannot be applied when ordering online. Please visit your nearest location for assistance.

First Time User

Welcome to the Vision Essentials Online Contact Lens Refill Service. We are committed to providing our members with a fast, convenient, and cost effective way to reorder contact lenses.

Currently, this website is able to order soft/disposable contact lenses for those that have placed an original order at a physical location and have a current valid prescription that has not expired. If you have not placed an order at a Colorado location, please use store locator to find the nearest location to make an appointment.

If you are using our online refill service for the first time, please take a moment to read the “first time user guide” before you begin. When you’re ready to start, have your Member I.D. Card available, click “login” and follow the prompts to set up your unique user name and password.

If you’ve used the system before, simply click “login”, enter your user name and password, to begin.
